Monday, November 30, 2009

Is Al Qaeda Involved In The Drug Business?

Drug Seizures In West Africa Prompt Fears Of Terrorist Links -- The Guardian

Al-Qaida is thought to have gained control of the cocaine trade flourishing in Guinea and Mali.

There was little for the investigators to go on. The remains of the plane's skeleton, smoldering on a remote airstrip in the Sahara desert, revealed few clues.

Even now, more than two weeks after the Boeing 727 was found in Mali, west Africa, the cause of the plane's demise has yet to be revealed, triggering questions about whether it really crashed or was torched to destroy evidence. The one thing on which investigators agree is that the cargo plane had been used to transport cocaine into Africa from Latin America, probably Venezuela, that was bound for the streets of Europe.

Read more ....

My Comment: I guess when it comes to money .... these extreme Islamic groups are willing to turn the other way.

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