Friday, May 27, 2011

The Arrest Of Former Bosnian Serb Military Commander Ratko Mladic -- News Roundup

Mladic Nabbed In Routine Raid -- Yahoo News/AP

BELGRADE, Serbia – Former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic was captured in a routine raid as he headed out to his garden for a pre-dawn walk, three Serbian police officials told The Associated Press on Friday.

The officials said about two dozen masked, black-clad members of a team of special police had no specific intelligence that Mladic was inside a relative's yellow brick house. The home was one of four hit simultaneously Thursday in the tiny northern Serbian village of Lazarevo.

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More News On the Arrest Of Former Bosnian Serb Military Commander Ratko Mladic

Serb court says Mladic fit for genocide trial -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Judge rules Mladic fit to face international justice -- Yahoo News/AFP
Ratko Mladic 'fit to be extradited' to The Hague -- BBC
Ratko Mladic is fit enough to face trial for Bosnian massacres -- The Telegraph
Ratko Mladic Fit for Hague War Crimes Trial, Serbian Court Says -- ABC News
Ratko Mladic: Serbian judge clears way for long-awaited war crimes trial -- Christian Science Monitor
Serbian health minister and former friend of Mladic visits him at prison cell -- Canadian Press/AP
Ratko Mladic has asked for strawberries, Russian classics while in detention -- Canadian Press/AP
Ratko Mladic: Inside the fugitive's last bolt-hole -- The Guardian
In a Serbian Village, Disbelief and Bitterness Over Arrest -- New York Times
Serbian Village Where Mladic Was Arrested Says He's A Hero -- Radio Free Europe
Mladic sympathisers mourn their hero’s fall -- Financial Times
Ratko Mladic arrest: The face Serbia would rather forget -- The Telegraph
Analysis: Serbian support for Bosnia Serbs may ebb after arrest -- Reuters
A Portrait of Ratko Mladic. The Life of a Fugitive General -- Renate Flottau, Spiegel Online
Serbs do welcome Ratko Mladić arrest -- Jelena Obradovic-Wochink, The Guardian

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