V-J Day in Times Square, taken on Aug. 14, 1945, is arguably the most famous photograph in the world. A young sailor passionately kisses a nurse as thousands celebrate Japan’s surrender in WWII. The photograph was published in a Life magazine victory spread, along with several other smooch photos.
Uniformly Attractive -- Slate
Is it true that women prefer men in uniform?
During New York's Fleet Week, which runs from May 25 to June 1 this year, some 3,000 sailors, Marines, and members of the Coast Guard descend on the city. It's often said that women prefer a man in uniform. Is that true?
Maybe, maybe not. Hard evidence is scarce, but in a 2006 paper titled "G.I. Average Joe: The Clothes Do Not Necessarily Make the Man," researchers from North Georgia College and State University determined that, for 120 female college students, photos of six ROTC cadets in their "dress blues" were not significantly more enticing than photos of the same cadets in their civilian clothes. The Explainer also came across a marketing survey, conducted by Kelton Research for the retail chain Men's Wearhouse, indicating that while 91 percent of Americans believe that dapper clothing can enhance a less-than-handsome man's appearance, only 37 percent consider military garb more appealing than business suits.
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My Comment: I guess a lowly private has a lot of work ahead of him to get the attention of a women that appeals to him.
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