Friday, May 27, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 27, 2011

General Radko Mladic in 1993 and in Belgrade after he was arrested on May 26, 2011. Reuters

Mladic Arrest 'Proof of Belgrade's Willingness to Confront its Past' -- Spiegel Online

Ratko Mladic, the so-called "Butcher of Bosnia" and Europe's most-wanted war crimes suspect, has been captured in Serbia. Though his extradition is a precondition for the country's acceptance into the EU, some German commentators argue that Belgrade still has a long journey to Brussels.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Britain sends attack helicopters to Libya. Is this mission creep? -- Christian Science Monitor

Washington should plan for a post-Assad Syria -- CNN

Iran's Syria Strategy: Heavy Meddle
-- Michael Singh, Washington Institute/Wall Street Journal

Obama Reinvigorates the Forces of Moderation In the Arab World -- Ahmed Charai, FOX News

Hillary's trip to Pakistan: "It did not appear to go well" -- Josh Voorhees, Slate

Sudan Back on the Brink: The North's Invasion of Abyei Could Spark Another Civil War
-- Andrew S. Natsios, Foreign Affairs

Kim Jong-il China Visit Ends -- Jason Miks, Foreign Affairs

Positive signs in Afghanistan -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

For the U.S., it's time to get out of Afghanistan -- U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, L.A. Times

Is The U.S. Heading For A 62% Top Tax Rate?
-- Stephen Moore, Wall Street Journal

The real scandal is the IMF
-- Leopoldo Guzman, McClatchy News

After the Greek Default -- Martin Feldstein, Project Syndicate

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