Monday, June 3, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Analysis On The Unrest In Turkey

Why Turkey's Protests Are No Arab Spring -- Fadi Hakura, Special to CNN

(CNN) -- Taksim Square is Istanbul's equivalent to Cairo's Tahrir Square or London's Trafalgar Square and it is now the epicenter of demonstrations triggered by construction plans for a shopping center in one of the city's few remaining green spaces.

What was initially a small sit-in has morphed into a major series of protests due to -- in the words of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan -- "excessive force" by the police.

These protests reflect, in part, the deep ideological polarization between secular, liberal-minded Turks, and the more religious Turks, representing a quarter and two-thirds of the population respectively based on the 2011 general election results.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Analysis On The Unrest In Turkey

Five things you should know about Turkey -- The Telegraph
Turkey protests 'a warning' to Erdogan -- The Telegraph
What's Really Fueling The Turkish Protests? -- Charles Recknagel, Radio Free Europe
Protests in Turkey: Will Taksim Become Erdogan’s Tahrir Square? -- Piotr Zalewski, Time
Insight: Simmering anger at Erdogan's authoritarianism boils over in Turkey -- Ayla Jean Yackley, Reuters
Is this the Turkish Spring? The view from the euronews Istanbul correspondent -- Euronews
Turkey’s Taksim Square: a symbol of political struggle -- France 24
Istanbul park protests sow the seeds of a Turkish spring -- Richard Seymour, The Guardian
Turkey protests expose anxiety over Erdogan's growing autocratic ambitions -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
Analysis: The hopes that blaze in Istanbul -- Paul Mason, BBC
Turkey protests: 'It's a fight for freedom' -- BBC
No Arab Spring: Turkey's Violent Protests in Context -- Forbes/Stratfor
Taksim Is Not (Yet) Tahrir -- james Dorsey, Huffington Post

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