Saturday, June 1, 2013

Al Qaeda Chemical Weapons Plot With European And North American Targets Foiled In Iraq

Iraq Uncovers al-Qaeda 'Chemical Weapons Plot' -- BBC

The authorities in Iraq say they have uncovered an al-Qaeda plot to use chemical weapons, as well as to smuggle them to Europe and North America.

Defence ministry spokesman Mohammed al-Askari said five men had been arrested after military intelligence monitored their activities for three months.

Three workshops for manufacturing the chemical agents, including sarin and mustard gas, were uncovered, he added.

Remote-controlled toy planes were also seized at the workshops.

Mr Askari said they were to have been used to release the chemical agents over the target from a "safe" distance of 1.5km (1 mile), reports the BBC's Rami Ruhayem in Baghdad.

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More News On Iraq Uncovering An Al Qaeda Chemical Plot

Iraq claims foiling al-Qaeda nerve-gas plot -- Al Jazeera
Iraq says al Qaeda chemical gas plot uncovered -- Deutsche Welle
Iraq Says It Broke Up Terrorist Group Planning Gas Attacks -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Iraq breaks up al Qaeda chemical weapons cell -- Long War Journal
Workshops to Produce Chemical Weapons Uncovered in Iraq -- RIA Novsoti

My Comment: This is chilling stuff.

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