Thursday, January 3, 2013

The U.S. - Saudi Alliance To Combat Al Qaeda In Yemen

Saudi Jets Bolster US Drone Attacks On Yemen: Report -- France 24

AFP - Saudi Arabia has provided fighter jets to assist the United States with its drone strikes against Al-Qaeda targets in Yemen, the London Times reported on Friday.

US drones are backing Yemeni forces combating militants of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The group's Yemen branch is considered by Washington to be the most active and deadliest franchise of the global jihadist network.

The Times cited a US intelligence source as saying that "some of the so-called drone missions are actually Saudi Air Force missions".

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My Comment: I am not surprised by Saudi Arabia's involvement .... the last thing that they want is an Al Qaeda bastion on their border. What I am surprised about is that people are talking about it.

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