Monday, December 3, 2012

The Middle East Is The Battleground To Test Weapons Of The Future

An Iron Dome launcher fires an interceptor rocket near the southern town of Sderot November 15, 2012. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

A Battleground For Weapons Of The Future -- Reuters

More than a week after a U.S.-Egyptian brokered ceasefire brought a fragile peace to Gaza, military analysts are busily assessing the fighting between Israel and Hamas. Their goal: Apply lessons from the eight-day battle to weaponry still in development.

Israel’s frequent conflicts with its Arab neighbors have historically been proving grounds for the latest in battlefield technology. Arab-Israeli wars inspired the first operational aerial drones, radar-evading stealth warplanes and projectile-defeating armor. All are now staples of the world’s leading militaries.

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My Comment:
A good review on weapons research that has developed from Middle Eastern wars.

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