Monday, December 3, 2012

Second Thoughts On Syria's Civil War

For One Syrian Activist, Second Thoughts On The Armed Rebellion -- McClatchy News

HASAKA, Syria — Hasaka is still controlled by the Syrian government, but even from the window of a taxi it’s obvious the people here have not been spared from the country’s civil war.

The lines at bakeries are daylong, and many schools are closed because they’ve become homes for refugees from other parts of the country. The power is out now as often as it is on, and fuel is in ever shorter supply.

Though she is happy to see him, Adam Ebrahem’s mother admonishes him for returning to his family’s home here.

“You shouldn’t stay,” she says. “The PYD will kill you.”

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My Comment: These doubts by this Syrian activist are well founded .... especially as the civil war is now entering a period of even greater bloodshed and violence.

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