Saturday, December 1, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 1, 2012

A Boeing concept image of an aircraft design for the U.S. Navy's "F/A-XX" sixth-generation fighter. (Boeing)

U.S. Air Combat Command Chief Hints At 6th Gen Fighter -- Defense News

Even as the F-35, America’s first 5th generation fighter, struggles to achieve liftoff, the U.S. Air Force is starting to plan on how to get the 6th generation of jets off the ground.

What capabilities a 6th generation jet will possess remains unclear, but Gen. Mike Hostage, the head of Air Combat Command, dropped some hints at an event hosted this morning by the Center for Strategic and Informational Studies.

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ACC chief hints at 6th gen fighter -- Air Force Times

One Landing Does Not Make a Carrier -- The Diplomat

Russia and China Close to SU-35 Deal…Again
-- The Diplomat

The Chinese School For Aces -- Strategy Page

Air Defense: China Does It Cheaper Again
-- Strategy Page

N.Korea may test missile next week: US think tank -- AFP

North Korea plans second rocket launch in December -- Reuters

Increasing Europe’s Strategic Tanker Capability By 2020 -- Defence Talk

Russia, U.S. Press Toward Full Chemical Arms Elimination -- Global Security Newswire

UN Palestine vote unlikely to change US ops -- DoD Buzz

Lockheed, DoD Agree on F-35 Fifth Block Purchase
-- Defense News

The real F-35 LRIP-5 costs -- Eric Palmer Blog

Pentagon eyes project to preserve helicopter design capabilities -- Reuters

Exclusive: U.S. Army officials said to back new scout helicopter -- Reuters

Fire Scout Problems Delay Full Fielding -- AIN Online

U.S. Senate Leaves East Coast Shield’s Fate to Conference Panel -- Defense News

Senate Republicans back East Coast ICBM missile defense
-- Foreign Policy

Obama SecDef Pick Might Come Sooner than Expected --

Pentagon: Autonomy in Weapon Systems -- Defence Talk

No Spy Software Scandal Here, Army Claims -- Danger Room

Military fathers want Pentagon to allow daughters into combat

Sanctions Against BP Won’t Impede U.S. Military -- Defense News

The Most Basic Weapons Could Knock Out The US Power Grid -- Business Insider/

West Point chapel to host first same-sex marriage -- USA Today

Making Military Families Whole Again Takes Time -- Tribune

Yes, You Can Buy A 50-Caliber Sniper Rifle Online -- Business Insider

Sucking Up to the Military Brass -- William Astore, Huffington Post

Defense Budget: Military “Experts” Seem to Have Short Memories -- Steven Bucci, Heritage Foundation

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