Monday, December 3, 2012

Did Israel Ask Jordan For Permission To Cross Their Airspace To Bomb Syrian WMD Sites?

A satellite image of al-Safir, Syria's main chemical weapons facility, near Aleppo. Photo by

Israel Asked Jordan For Approval To Bomb Syrian WMD Sites -- The Atlantic

Anxiety is increasing about the prospect of a desperate Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons against his rapidly proliferating enemies. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Assad that such chemical weapons use would cross a U.S. red line: "I'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of credible evidence that the Assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people. But suffice to say we are certainly planning to take action."

This new level of anxiety was prompted by reports that Assad's forces have been moving chemical weapons, according to David Sanger and Eric Schmitt in The Times. They report that one American official told them that "the activity we are seeing suggests some potential chemical weapon preparation," though the official "declined to offer more specifics of what those preparations entailed."

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More News On Reports That Israel Asked Jordan For Permission To Cross Their Airspace To Bomb Syrian WMD Sites

Report: Israel requested Jordan's 'permission' to attack Syria chemical weapons sites -- Haaretz
Report: Israel asked Jordan for permission to bomb Syrian WMD sites -- YNet
Israel sought Jordanian permission to destroy chemical weapons sites in Syria --

My Comment
: I am surprised that Israel asked Jordan for permission .... Israel has a history of not asking any of it's neighbors for permission on military operations.

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