Friday, May 20, 2011

World News Briefs -- May 20, 2011

Israeli PM Arrives In Washington After Rejecting US's Border Proposal -- Voice of America

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Washington for what could be tense talks with President Barack Obama after Netanyahu sharply criticized the president's remarks on Israel's possible future borders.

The Israeli leader arrived on Friday, one day after Obama said Israel's borders should be based on lines that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War - with certain conditions. He said the conditions would be mutually agreed swaps with the Palestinians so that secure and recognized borders could be established for both states. He commented during a major Middle East policy speech.

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Obama tells Syria's Assad to lead transition or leave. Syrian troops open fire on thousands calling for regime change at rally in flashpoint town.

Deadly Iraq bombings add fuel to debate over U.S. departure.

Yemen's Saleh calls for early elections.

Saudi Arabian-U.S. antimissile talks stress Iran threat.


China aids N. Korea, Iran with nuke advances.

North Korean missile reach will extend to U.S.: Senior intel official.

Conflicting reports on NKorean leaders in China.

Pakistan Taliban attack US consulate convoy.

Anger simmers in Pakistani army over bin Laden raid.


NATO: Aircraft sink Eight Libyan warships. NATO strikes 'hit Libyan warships'.
Gaddafi kills Libyan defense minister: report. Gaddafi's fall from power inevitable, Obama says.

Ivory Coast asks ICC to investigate human rights crimes.

Attack pirate bosses on land, Chinese general says.

Zimbabwe's military chiefs want Mugabe to remain president despite ill-health.


Youths defiant at 'Spanish revolution' camp in Madrid. Spain's PM wary of protest crackdown ahead of vote.

NATO to Russia: Cooperate on missile defense.

Israeli spy sought details of Russian-Arab military deals - FSB.

Liam Fox: British Army will be cut further after Afghanistan mission.


Ecuador referendum final tally gives Correa victory.

Prices at gas pump painful for 4 in 10 Americans.

Top U.S. lawmakers agree to Patriot Act extension.

Reid rejects Boehner proposal for $2 trillion in U.S. spending cuts.


Obama administration offers legal justification for capture or killing of Osama Bin Laden.

Court filings assert Iran had link to 9/11 attacks.

New details emerge of radical Imam's lunch at the Pentagon.


Cruel summer? Data signal global industrial slowdown.

Control of IMF is at a crossroads. Europeans race to nominate Strauss-Kahn successor.

At I.M.F., men on prowl and women on guard.

Tepco chief quits after $15 billion loss on nuclear crisis.

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