Sunday, May 1, 2011

French-Built Rafales Jets Are To Be Used On Britain's Aircraft Carriers

The Rafale, built by French aeronautics constructer Dassault.
(Photo: Reuters)

Politicians Hide Their Plans To Put French Jets On Royal Navy Carriers -- The Telegraph

The Royal Navy won't be flying Anglo-US Joint Strike Fighters, but providing a platform for French Rafales as part of an EU force, writes Christopher Booker.

The magnificent military pageantry of the royal wedding coincided, sadly, with yet another humiliating instance of the precipitate decline in Britain’s military power. There has long been something very odd about the two giant aircraft carriers which are to be the centrepiece of Britain’s defence capability over the next 50 years – one to be instantly mothballed, the other not due in service for another decade. Now, it seems, the bill for this project is to rise yet again, by further billions of pounds, because, according to the Ministry of Defence, one carrier needs extensive modification to accommodate the Joint Strike Fighters we are allegedly building with the US.

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My Comment: The U.K. and France agreed to an understanding last year to work more closely in military matters. If this report is true, I guess they are putting substance to what they discussed a few months ago.

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