Friday, May 20, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 20, 2011

Obama's Israel Surprise -- Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama, seeking to get ahead of historic changes rolling through the Middle East, promised support for democratic uprisings in the Arab world and called for the first time to begin negotiations for a Palestinian state based on Israel's pre-1967 borders.

Mr. Obama, in a wide-ranging speech on the Mideast, stressed to a global audience—the speech was broadcast in English, Arabic and Farsi—that with the fall of governments in Tunisia and Egypt and the death of Osama bin Laden, the era of al Qaeda and Islamist militancy is giving way to an age of popular rule.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

A new Mideast policy -- Washington Post editorial
Yes, We Can’t. What Obama got right, and wrong, in his Middle East speech. -- Yossi Klein Halevi, New Republic
Analysis: What rankled Netanyahu in the Obama speech -- Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post
Obama’s Mideast policy looks good — on paper -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
The two words Obama didn’t mention -- William J. Dobson, Washington Post
Obama's anti-Israel speech should surpise no one -- Lee DeCovnick, American Thinker
The news in Obama’s speech -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post

India and Pakistan. The world's most dangerous border. -- The Economist

Food fight looms over North Korean 'famine' -- Donald Kirk, Asia Times

Immoral Hazard.There's no way the Europeans should get to pick one of their own as the new IMF chief. -- Paul Blustein, Foreign Policy

We are letting Al Jazeera usurp the international role of the BBC -- Spectator

The Realist Prism: Russia's 'Natural Security' Deficit -- Nikolas Gvosdev, World Politics Review

Is War Over? -- A.E. Stahl, Small Wars Journal

Bored to Death in Afghanistan (and Washington) -- Tom Engelhardt, CBS
Time to rethink Afghanistan strategy? -- Clifford D. May, CNN
Which Afghanistan will it be? -- Jim Maceda, MSNBC
It's Time to Bring Our Troops Home -- Bill de Blasio, Huffington Post
After Bin Laden, Stay in Afghanistan? -- Tobin Grant, Christianity Today
India left standing in Afghan musical chairs -- Peter Lee, Asia Times
Afghanistan: war without end? -- David Swanson, The Guardian

Time is working against Gadhafi' -- Edmonton Journal/AFP
The lessons of Libya. Outsiders had good reason to intervene in Libya. But their cause may suffer from it. -- The Economist
ANALYSIS-Libya's Gaddafi under pressure but with nowhere to go -- Reuters
Libya deadline poses a dilemma for Obama -- Washington Post editorial
Calling Kadafi to account -- L.A. Times editorial

Time to turn up the heat on Syria -- Richard Grenell, CBS News
Revolutionary Guards and Ammo Dispatched to Syria -- Reza Khalili, American Thinker
Religion – the overlooked motive behind Syria’s uprising -- Oren Kessler, Jerusalem Post
After Qaddafi, Assad. What to do about Syria. -- Bernard-Henri Levy, New Republic

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