Saturday, May 21, 2011

Civil War In Libya -- News Updates May 21, 2011

'I Don't Need Congress Support': Limited Military Involvement In Libya Gives Obama No Concerns U.S. Action Will Become Illegal -- The Daily Mail

Barack Obama says U.S. involvement in Libya is now so limited that he’s got no worries about action against leader Colonel Gaddafi becoming illegal.

The President did not explicitly ask Congress to authorise the action he ordered in March to protect Libyan civilians - as his critics say is demanded by a 1973 Act.

Mr Obama said Congress's authority was not needed under the U.S. War Powers Act - but did state that the mission would benefit from its support.

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More News On The Civil War In Libya

As NATO Claims Progress In Libya, a U.S. Deadline Is Put To The Test -- New York Times
Barack Obama backs draft Senate resolution on U.S. role in Libya -- Politico
Obama, on Libya deadline, welcomes Congress support -- Reuters
Obama Backs Bipartisan Resolution on Libya -- Wall Street Journal

FACTBOX-Latest military activity in Libya
-- Reuters
NATO says Gaddafi in hiding as strikes continue -- Washington Post
NATO pounds pro-Gadhafi forces' command centers -- Yahoo News/AP
NATO targets Kadafi vessels at 3 ports -- L.A. Times
RAF blitzes Gaddafi battleships in huge Nato air strike -- Mirror
NATO hits 8 Kadhafi ships; Tripoli calls Obama 'delusional' -- Yahoo News/AFP
Libya criticizes NATO attacks in Tripoli -- UPI
Gadhafi's hometown in rebels' sights -- Edmonton Journal/Telegraph
Libya: Colonel Gaddafi's men held prisoner in Misrata -- BBC
Meet the Libyan rebels who live in the desert -- BBC

Libya crowd attacks bus carrying foreign journalists -- Yahoo News/AP
Russia Steps Up Criticism of NATO Libya Campaign -- New York Times/Reuters

Refugees from Libya 'in critical situation' in Chad -- AFP
Thousands of Chadians Stranded after Fleeing Libya -- Voice of America
Unsafe in Libya, unwanted in Europe: exiles of the Arab Spring -- The Independent

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