Saturday, May 21, 2011

China`s Rush To Become A Global Military Power

Soldiers from the Chinese navy take part in an anti-piracy drill Photo: REUTERS

China's Baby-Steps Towards Becoming A Global Military Power -- The Telegraph

China has long preferred to keep out of international affairs, rejecting the interventionist instincts of the United States and NATO that have been on display in Libya in recent months, and concentrating on affairs at home.

China's leaders espouse a doctrine of "non-interference" in other nations' affairs and take every opportunity to reassure the watching world of its "peaceful rise", notwithstanding its rapid military modernization programs.

However in the last 12 months China has crossed several significant milestones that analysts say mark a growing self-confidence that Chinese armed forces can now begin to match the country's status as a rising economic super-power.

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My Comment: "Baby steps" ?!?!?!?!?! China`s military growth in the past decade has been massive and quick .... definitely NOT baby steps.

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