Friday, May 20, 2011

British Forces Facing A Vehicle Shortage Until 2025

Photo: Many of the armoured vehicles bought since 1998 have been for specific operations, the report says. Photo from The BBC

U.K. Armed Forces 'Face Vehicle Shortages Until 2025' -- BBC

British forces will face "significant shortages" of armoured vehicles until 2025 unless extra investment is found, a public spending watchdog has warned.

The National Audit Office (NAO) also said hundreds of millions of pounds had been spent on equipment that was never delivered.

It blamed "over-ambitious requirements and unstable financial planning".

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More News On British Forces Facing A Vehicle Shortage Until 2025

UK troops face 'armoured vehicles shortages' -- BBC
British troops 'face vehicle shortage until 2025' -- AFP
UK army faces armoured vehicles shortage-watchdog -- Reuters
MoD 'cost lives' by wasting £718m on vehicles never built -- The Daily Mail
Canceled Vehicle Programs Cost U.K. $520 million -- Defense News
MoD cost troops lives by wasting hundreds of millions on armoured vehicles never built --
Afghan war 'to leave UK short of armour' -- The Independent
UK faces 'significant shortage' of armoured vehicles -- Defence Management
MoD under fire for ‘unstable’ planning -- Financial Times
The cost-effective delivery of an armoured vehicle capability -- Defpro
Auditor attacks chaos in equipping British troops -- The Guardian

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