Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bigger And Flashier Flags For The Chinese Navy

Local Chinese wave national flags at the farewell ceremony for Chinese navy missile destroyer Guangzhou on March 14. (WANG XIANG)

China's Navy To Assert Might With Bigger Flags -- The Telegraph

China's navy is to fly bigger and brighter flags on its ships in an attempt to assert its might on the ocean, the People's Liberation Army has decided.

The decision to institute a fleet-wide flag upgrade comes amid reports that the PLA Navy is preparing to conduct sea trials of its first aircraft carrier, which is expected to be put into service as early as the end of this year.

Although the design will remain the same, the new flags will be bigger and less drab than the old ones, according to a report in the People's Liberation Army Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese armed forces.

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My Comment: A bigger and flashier flag does not make a bigger and better navy.

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