Friday, March 25, 2011

Who Is On The Top Of President Obama's Call Sheet?

Barack Obama's Call Sheet: Nicolas Sarkozy First, David Cameron Second -- The Telegraph

Reading the White House briefing on Barack Obama’s Libyan diplomacy I’m struck by this, from Ben Rhodes, deputy NSA:

Then he had two additional calls. He called President Sarkozy of France and Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom.

Contact between Mr Obama and Mr Cameron has been a sensitive issue in Westminster over recent days. Critical observers think they detect a certain froideur between the PM and the President. Meanwhile in Washington, it’s Mr Sarkozy who’s getting the plaudits for his leadership on Libya. (”Be as bold as the French,” says one Republican senator.)

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My Comment: The French government under Sarkozy have been front and center on this issue since the beginning. If I was President Obama, he would also be on the top of my call list.

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