Friday, March 25, 2011

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 25, 2011

Gadhafi's Military: Trained And Armed By Uncle Sam -- Salon

Millions of dollars in American arms sales have been approved for Libya in recent years.

The United States has trained the Libyan military in recent years and American manufacturers have sold the Gadhafi regime military equipment, putting the U.S. in the strange situation of bombing a foreign force that it helped build up.

Read more ....


US remains military muscle in Libya campaign -- AFP

ABC News Exclusive: Martha Raddatz Interviews Gen. Carter Ham, the Man in Charge of the Military Operation in Libya -- ABC News

Kaddafi Has A Killer Plan That Just Might Work -- Strategy Page

Who’s Got Eyes On: SEALs, Berets Verts, SBS…? -- Defense Tech

Australian Navy warned to end culture of alcohol-fuelled debauchery -- The Telegraph

Modernisation Programmes Will Galvanise French Land Defence Market -- Defpro

Germany scraps military conscription after 55 years; parliament approves historic step
-- Canadian Press

A400M: A Planned Bump In the Road
-- Ares/Aviation Week

Russia and Kyrgyzstan in dispute over airbase -- UPI

SKorea launches third Aegis destroyer -- Big Pond

Official Outlines Global Missile Defense Strategy
-- Space Daily

Russia, NATO plan to resume theatre missile defense drills in early 2012 -- RIA Novosti

Russia's military space activity increases
-- UPI

Top 10 Space Weapons --

F-35 Shoots Down Canada's Government
-- Ares/Aviation Week

Military orders GE to stop F-35 engine work -- Market Watch

Noon = Doom for GE’s F136; GE Strikes Back -- DoD Buzz

AF Worried GPS Signals May Be Drowned Out --

Exclusive: UTC-built oxygen generator fails on U.S. submarine -- Reuters

Congress, DoD Trim Petraeus' Funding Request -- Defense News

Former Marine Foils Attempted Smuggling of 13 Illegal Immigrants in Military Uniforms -- FOX News

Iran Fingered For Fraudulent Comodo SSL Certificates -- Information Week

Tools of Tradecraft: More Spy Gear From the CIA, Others -- Threat Level

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