Friday, March 25, 2011

Japan Prime Minister: Nuclear Situation 'Grave'

Japan's PM Pessimistic About Crippled Nuclear Complex -- Voice of America

Two weeks after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake triggered a huge tsunami that severely damaged a Japanese nuclear power plant, the situation is still not under control. The leader of Japan's government Friday evening expressed pessimism about the current state of the Fukushima 1 complex. It is still emitting radiation into the atmosphere, and there are worries about a possible breach of the core of one of the six reactors. Temperatures of exposed used fuel rods also remain a serious concern.

Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, looking somber in a nationally televised briefing, described the situation at the damaged Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant as remaining "very grave and serious."

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More News On japan's Nuclear Disaster

Breach in reactor suspected at Japanese nuke plant -- Yahoo News/AP
Radiation fears mount again in Japan after plant -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Reactor fear at Japan plant as toll tops 10,000 -- Yahoo News/AFP
Japan steps up nuclear plant precautions; Kan apologizes -- L.A. Times
Japan's Prime Minister: Nuclear Situation Grave -- NPR
Nuclear situation 'grave' Japan PM warns -- Al Jazeera
Japan urges more evacuations as Prime Minister Kan addresses nation -- Washington Post
Dangerous Breach Feared at Japanese Nuke Plant -- ABC News
Stricken nuclear plant's No.3 reactor 'may have cracked' as Fukushima Fifty workers are treated for radiation contamination -- The Daily Mail
Japan crisis: nuclear workers exposed to 10,000 times more radiation than normal -- The Telegraph
Radiation Spread From Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Continues -- Voice of America
Inside Fukushima, more dangers await technicians -- Sydney Morning Herald
Japan's "Fukushima heroes" battle nuclear crisis in anonymity -- Reuters
TEPCO injects fresh water into Daiichi nuclear reactors -- Reuters
Tokyo Electric likely liable for accident: Japan government -- Reuters
Radiation levels around Fukushima to fall within month - expert -- RIA Novosti

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