Friday, March 25, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 25, 2011

The Middle East Crisis Has Just Begun -- Robert Kaplan, Wall Street Journal

For the U.S., democracy's fate in the region matters much less than the struggle between the Saudis and Iran.

Despite the military drama unfolding in Libya, the Middle East is only beginning to unravel. American policy-makers have been spoiled by events in Tunisia and Egypt, both of which boast relatively sturdy institutions, civil society associations and middle classes, as well as being age-old clusters of civilization where states of one form or another have existed since antiquity. Darker terrain awaits us elsewhere in the region, where states will substantially weaken once the carapace of tyranny crumbles. The crucial tests lie ahead, beyond the distraction of Libya.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Understanding the 3rd terror war -- Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post

Analysis: Ground shifts as new Middle East order takes shape -- Samia Nakhoul, Reuters

Ending the Afghan War, with a Whimper Instead of a Bang -- Jean Mackenzie, Global Post

Assad’s looming downfall? -- Jonathan Spyer, Jerusalem Post

Syria crisis: Can reforms appease protesters? -- Jim Muir, BBC

No easy solutions to Ivory Coast crisis -- Robyn Curnow, CNN

Obama’s Unconstitutional War -- Bruce Ackerman, Foreign Policy

'Protect' the Syrians next? -- Gwynne Dyer, Japan Times

Tripoli and the Russian Rift -- Ariel Cohen, National INterest

Hezbollah, at home alone -- Michael Young, NOW Lebanon

Some European countries are in the habit of going bankrupt -- Peter Oborne, The Telegraph

Is President Obama the weakest Commander-in-Chief in US history?
-- Nile Gardiner, the Telegraph

Anybody but Jamie Gorelick for FBI director -- Examiner Editorial

America Doesn't Matter Anymore -- Peter Beinart, The Daily Beast

Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On The War In Libya

The Speech Obama Hasn't Given: What are we doing in Libya? Americans deserve an explanation. -- Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
Gaddafi's Endgame: How Will the U.S. Get Out of Libya? -- Fareed Zakaria, Time
Obama and Libya: The professor’s war -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
The Unknown in Libya: Don't expect the intelligence community to know much about what's going on in Libya. -- Thomas Joscelyn, Weekly Standard
Give War a Chance -- William Kristol, Weekly Standard
Foreign Policy: The Gadhafi I Know -- Yoweri Museveni, NPR
Libya coalition: a unity of purpose, a multitude of opinions -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons? -- Peter Dale Scott's, Japan Focus
There's nothing moral about Nato's intervention in Libya -- Seumas Milne, The Guardian
Libya test for NATO starts at Ajdabiya -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
Now we must arm the insurgents so that Gaddafi can be toppled -- Malcolm Rifkind, The Telegraph
Libya’s Oh-So-Familiar Exit Strategy: ‘As They Stand Up, We Stand Down’ -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
Libya: A war by any other name… -- Leo Shane III, Stars And Stripes
Libya: NATO Takes Charge, but Will Europe Take the Lead? -- Leo Cendrowicz, Time
Libya: a make-or-break moment for Nato -- Nora Bensahel, The Guardian
Europe's intervention in Libya: Who is in charge here? -- The Economist
Q&A: Next Steps For NATO In Libya -- NPR
Here we go again: Intervention in Middle East civil wars is a fool’s game -- Gov. Gary Johnson, The Washington Times
The challenge of Libya: Where will it end? -- The Economist

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