Friday, March 25, 2011

A Solider's Fight Against 30 Taliban Is Honoured

Sgt Dipprasad Pun Photo: PA

Afghanistan: Gurkha Fought Honoured For Lone Fight Against Taliban -- The Telegraph

A Gurkha soldier has received one of the highest awards for bravery for single-handedly fighting off up to 30 Taliban trying to storm his position in Afghanistan.

A Gurkha soldier has received one the highest awards for bravery for single-handedly fighting off up to 30 Taliban trying to storm his position in Afghanistan.

Sergeant Dipprasad Pun got through more than 400 rounds of ammunition and an assortment of grenades during his extraordinary one-man stand on the roof of an isolated sentry-post.

At one point, when his gun could no longer fire, he resorted to battering one Taliban fighter, who was trying to scale the wall to attack him, over the head with the tripod of his machine gun.

The 31-year-old from Bima in western Nepal, has been awarded the conspicuous Gallantry Cross – second to the Victoria Cross and George Cross.

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My Comment: I am sure that his story is one of many in this war.

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