Thursday, January 8, 2009

Will Hezbollah — Backed By Iran — Open A Second Front Against Israel?

Italian soldiers serving with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) patrol the village of Tayr Harfa. Diplomatic efforts to end the Gaza conflict intensified Friday with Western and Arab diplomats agreeing to call for an immediate ceasefire as the death toll from the two-week-old war rose past 760. (AFP/Mahmoud Zayat)

From Pajamas Media:

At about 7:30 Thursday morning Israel time, while Israeli warplanes, tanks, and artillery were pounding the smuggling tunnels at the Gaza-Sinai border, at least two rockets fired from Lebanon hit the area of Nahariya near the northern end of the Israeli coast.

The Jerusalem Post reported that “one of the rockets went through the roof of a Nahariya retirement home and exploded in the kitchen where about 25 elderly residents were eating breakfast in the adjacent dining hall. One resident suffered a broken leg, another bruises.” The two were rushed to a local hospital and five others were treated for shock.

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