Friday, January 9, 2009

Obama To Become President Amid Tightest Security Ever

The new U.S. Presidential Limo (Photo from Huffington Post)

From McClatchy Newspapers:

WASHINGTON — Barack Obama will be sworn in as America's first African-American president under the tightest security ever, shielded by a new, heavily armored Cadillac limousine, bullet-resistant glass, fighter planes overhead and Secret Service SWAT teams toting automatic weapons.

The level of protection is no surprise, given that the throng stretching two miles from the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial could reach a worrisome 4 million, quadruple the usual turnout, and that Obama already has been the target of numerous threats.

Days before he was elected the nation's 44th president, federal agents broke up an alleged plot by two neo-Nazi skinheads to kill him. Then, on Tuesday, al Qaida's No. 2 leader issued a tape blaming Obama for Israel's recent attacks on the militant Islamist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Read more ....

My Comment: There may be no noticeable threats .... but I am sure there are some groups in the world that have and/or are thinking of what they can do on such a day.

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