Friday, January 9, 2009

Obama's Afghan Challenge -- A Commentary

Afghan National Army soldiers practice clearing a room under the watchful eye of their U.S. Army instructor during training at Morehead Commando Training Center in Kabul, Afghanistan, on June 4, 2007. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates visited the former Taliban training ground to get a firsthand look at how it's been transformed to train Afghan army commandos. DoD photo by Cherie A. Thurlby. (Released)

From The L.A. Times:

As the British and Russians found, military victory in Afghanistan can be elusive.

For Barack Obama, Iraq is the bad war and Afghanistan the good war. The president-elect has promised to cut back our involvement in the former and wage the latter with vigor, committing more troops and money. Paradoxically, Obama's solution for Afghanistan could worsen its problems.

The 31,000 American troops currently in Afghanistan are already being supplemented with others from Iraq, and if Obama implements the plans he has outlined, the total could double within 18 months. But additional soldiers are unlikely to help create a stable government, curb the drug trade or reduce corruption.

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