Friday, January 9, 2009

MILITARY: A day for heroesThe Story Behind 4 Silver Crosses And One Navy Cross

Facing left, Marine Sgt. Major James Betancourt, Col. Robert Oltman and Lt. Col. Paul Nugent, far right, finish awarding, Marine Lance Cpl. Joshua Mooi, far left, the Navy Cross, Marine Gunnery Sgt. Robert W. Homer, the Silver Star, Marine Sgt. Javier Alvarez, the Silver Star, and Naval Petty Officer 3rd Class Jesse P. Hickey, the Silver Star, at an award ceremony held at Camp Pendleton Thursday morning. (Photo by Jamie Scott Lytle - staff photographer)

MILITARY: A Day For Heroes -- North County Times

CAMP PENDLETON ---- When he picked up an insurgent's grenade to save the lives of fellow Marines during a firefight in Iraq, Cpl. Javier Alvarez said he had one thought: "Three to five seconds ---- that's how long I knew I had before it would go off."

The grenade exploded just as Alvarez tossed it away. The blast sheared off his right hand and left him with severe burns and other injuries.

"I don't know how I'm still alive," the Tucson, Ariz.-area resident said Thursday after receiving a Silver Star for conspicuous gallantry as squad leader of Fox Company's 2nd Platoon from the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment based at Camp Pendleton.

Three other platoon members also were awarded Silver Stars for their actions on Nov. 16, 2005, in the western Iraqi city of New Ubaydi, including Gunnery Sgt. Robert Homer and hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Jesse Hickey.

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