Monday, January 12, 2009

Mexico's Drug War Is Spirling Out Of Control

U.S. Weapons Seized from Mexican Cartels

Mexico Murders Soar As Drug Violence Spirals Out Of Control -- The Telegraph

Murders and kidnappings have reached record levels in Mexico as the security forces wage a new offensive against drug cartels and organised crime.

This escalating battle claimed the lives of 5,367 members of the security forces or suspected criminals last year - more than double the figure for 2007.

President Felipe Calderón has mobilised the army behind this offensive, with soldiers now a common sight on city streets and highways throughout Mexico.

The army's deployment is unavoidable not just because of the spiralling levels of violence but also because many police officers are tempted to supplement their meagre wages by accepting drug cartel bribes. On Christmas Eve, troops detained 23 suspected traffickers in the south-western state of Guerrero. Among them was a local security official, who enjoyed a six-strong police bodyguard.

The cartels' tentacles are alleged to reach the highest levels of the government. Last November, Noé Ramírez Mandujano, a key figure in the government's anti-drugs campaign, was arrested on suspicion of accepting a $450,000 pay-off from a crime ring in return for highly sensitive information about operations mounted by the security forces. Mr Ramirez says he has done nothing wrong and has not been tried.

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More News On Mexico's Drug War

Obama and Mexico's Calderon to talk drug war, trade -- Reuters
U.S. is not dealing with Mexican violence against Americans -- American Chronicle
Mexico’s drug wars a serious threat to U.S. -- Nevada Appeal
Effects of Mexico's drug war hit El Paso -- Dallas News
Legalized drugs only way to halt cartels -- El Paso Times

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