Friday, January 9, 2009

If Only Drone Aircraft Had Belligerent Bee Brains

The new Reaper replaces this Predator in battlefields such as Afghanistan
(Photo from the Daily Mail)

From The Australian:

IT took six months but finally Australian scientists found a hive of Queensland honeybees aggressive enough to mimic a heat-seeking missile.

It is all part of a project to discover the tactics bees use to detect, track and intercept moving targets. It's something bees do well and unmanned aerial surveillance vehicles cannot do, despite the best efforts of overseas military researchers.

"We didn't realise that Queensland would have such peaceful bees," said team leader, neuroscientist and engineer Mandyam Srinivasan.

"That wasn't a problem when I worked in the ACT," said Professor Srinivasan, of Queensland University's Queensland Brain Institute and the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Vision Science.

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