Friday, January 9, 2009

A Look At The Islamic Militant Hamas Group

MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images (Photo from Foreign Policy Blog)

From Yahoo News/AP:

A look at the Islamic militant group Hamas:

NAME: Arabic for "zeal." Is acronym of Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah, or Islamic Resistance Movement. Use first was in 1987 leaflet presaging launch of first Palestinian uprising against Israel, 1987-93.

GOAL: To establish Islamic theocracy in Israel, West Bank and Gaza Strip. Does not recognize state of Israel and committed to its destruction.

OPERATIONS: Built grass-roots base through preaching and network of health, education and welfare services in Gaza Strip and West Bank. Preaches armed resistance against Israel and has staged dozens of suicide bombings and other attacks, killing hundreds. Listed as terror group by U.S., European Union and Israel.

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