Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Syria Is Now Denying That It Has Chemical Weapons

Chemical Weapons? Syria 'Backpedaling Furiously' Over Weapons Threats -- Christian Science Monitor

One day after threatening to unleash chemical weapons if it were invaded, Syria denies having unconventional weapons, and says West is preparing an Iraq-style intervention.

Syrian rebels have accused the Assad regime of moving its chemical weapons to the borders, even as the Syrian government has been "backpedaling furiously" from its warning yesterday that it would use its chemical arsenal against foreign intervention in the civil war gripping the nation.

Agence France-Presse reports that the Free Syrian Army warned in a statement today that President Bashar al-Assad's government has been moving its chemical weapons to new locations along the Syrian border.

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My Comment: The Guardian has more on the Syrian government now backpedaling on yesterday's chemical weapons threat". What's my take .... calmer heads in the Syrian government realized that threatening to use WMDs will win no friends and only embolden those who want regime change in Damascus .... hence they will now either deny the existance of WMDs, or will refuse to discuss it.

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