Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Fears Expressed On Syria's Chemical Weapons Stockpiles

Demonstrators protest against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Jubar, near Damascus, on Monday, July 16. Courtesy of Shaam News Network/Reuters

Who’s Watching Syria’s Chemical Arms? -- Benny Avni, New York Post

Recent reports that Bashar Assad is moving around some of his vast stockpiles of chemical weapons underline one of the scariest aspects of our “Syria? What’s that?” policy.

Whether or not Assad survives the deadly 16-month rebellion against him, his long-ignored weapons of mass destruction may soon be in play.

Whoever gets these terror weapons, and what they do with them, is a question to be handled by real world powers. It’s far beyond the capacity of the United Nations and Kofi Annan, to which America has so far subcontracted our Syria policy.

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More News On Syria's Chemical Weapons

Syria: Assad regime 'ready to use chemical weapons' -- BBC
Syria: Assad regime ‘ready to use chemical weapons’, senior defector warns -- The Telegraph
Assad will use chemical weapons against enemies and will ‘eradicate entire Syrian people’ to remain in power, claims defecting ambassador -- The Daily Mail
Assad will use chemical weapons: top defector -- AFP
Syria's top defector says Assad not afraid to use chemical weapons -- Christian Science Monitor
Assad regime ready to use chemical weapons -- Jerusalem Post
Syrian defector warns of chemical weapons -- ABC News (Australia)
Syrian crisis: Assessing defector Nawaf Fares' claims -- BBC
White House warns Syria on chemical weapons -- Reuters
Syria chemical weapons threat: should we take it seriously? -- The Week
Deadly Uncertainty: The Reason Syria's Chemical Weapons Are So Dangerous -- Sara Sorcher, The Atlantic
Assad could already be using chemical weapons in Syria, say reports. Meanwhile, the country prepares to break up -- Michael Weiss, The Telegraph

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