Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Does Syria's WMD Arsenal Include Iraq's WMDs Smuggled Out Before The 2003 Invasion?

Syria's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Jihad Makdissi speaks during a news conference in Damascus July 23, 2012. (Reuters/Stringer)

The Unresolved Mystery of Syria’s ‘Iraqi’ Chemical Weapons -- Harvey Morris, IHT

LONDON — The apparent confirmation by the Syrian regime that it has chemical weapons at its disposal hardly came as a surprise.

Despite the studied ambiguity of statements on Monday by Jihad Makdissi, a Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman, the underlying message was clear.

As my colleagues Neil MacFarquhar and Eric Schmitt write: “Though it has for many years been an open secret that Syria possessed a large cache of such weapons, the government has traditionally tried to retain some strategic ambiguity to keep its enemies guessing.”

They quote unclassified reports by the Central Intelligence Agency that Syria has amassed huge supplies of mustard gas, sarin nerve agent and cyanide over the past four decades.

Read more ....

My Comment:
I am always skeptical of these reports. Saddam Hussein was never a dictator who wanted WMDs so that he could then give it to his neighbors when threatened .... that was never his psychological profile.

For a summary on what experts believe is Syria's chemical weapon arsenal .... go here.

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