Saturday, May 28, 2011

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Gets A Frosty Reception In Pakistan

Clinton Gets Cold Reception -- Wall Street Journal

Surprise Trip to Pakistan to Urge 'Decisive Steps' Against Islamist Militants Lays Bare Tensions.

ISLAMABAD—Secretary of State Hillary Clinton beseeched Pakistan to take "decisive steps" against Islamist militants in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death, at what she called a turning point for the fraying alliance's effort to fight terrorism and bring stability to Afghanistan.

But her message was greeted coolly in a country that was angered by the bin Laden raid and sees itself as stretched to the limit in fighting extremists that have sown terror within Pakistan.

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My Comment: Sec. of State Clinton looks tired and haggard in this video, while Admiral Mullen looks withdrawn and silent. If body language is any indication .... this U.S. - Pakistan meeting was not a good one.

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