Friday, May 27, 2011

Saudi Arabia Is Stepping Up Support For Their Allies In The Middle East

Saudi Arabia Scrambles to Limit Region’s Upheaval -- The Telegraph

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia is flexing its financial and diplomatic might across the Middle East in a wide-ranging bid to contain the tide of change, shield fellow monarchs from popular discontent and avert the overthrow of any more leaders struggling to calm turbulent republics.

From Egypt, where the Saudis dispensed $4 billion in aid last week to shore up the ruling military council, to Yemen, where it is trying to ease out the president, to the kingdoms of Jordan and Morocco, which it has invited to join a union of Gulf monarchies, Saudi Arabia is scrambling to forestall more radical change and block Iran’s influence.

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My Comment: The Saudi's do not trust the Americans anymore to quell the unrest that is sweeping through the region. They are now stepping up, and using their financial and military resources to quell rebellions within friendly states and to limit Iran's influence in neighboring countries.

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