Friday, May 20, 2011

President Obama Is Breaking The Law Over The Libyan Civil War Intervention

President Obama's Libya Intervention Hits 60-Day Legal Limit -- ABC News

The legal license President Obama used to justify U.S. military intervention in Libya expires today, and there's little sign the White House is working quickly to get it renewed.

Exactly two months ago, Obama notified Congress of his unilateral decision to engage in "limited military action" to help defend the Libyan people from attacks by their leader, Moammar Gadhafi.

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More News On The White House Hitting The 60-Day Legal Limit On It's Libyan Intervention

Obama, Congress Not Likely to Engage on Libya Yet -- USA Today
US senators challenge Obama on Libya -- AFP
Lawmakers largely silent on war powers authority in Libya -- The Hill
GOP Senators Question Obama on War Powers -- American Spectator
Senate letter seeks Obama compliance with War Powers Act -- Washington Examiner
Is President Obama About to Break the Law? -- ABC News
Is Obama about to break the law? -- CNN
Will the White House ignore the War Powers Resolution? -- Josh Rogin, The Cable/Foreign Policy
War Powers & Libya -- Jamie Dupree, AJC
Libya and the War Powers Abdication -- John C. Yoo and Robert J. Delahunty, Wall Street Journal
Will the War Powers Resolution Die On Friday? -- KT McFarland, FOX News
U.S. Presence in Libya Is Pushing the Legal Boundaries -- Adam Clark Estes, Atlantic Wire
The illegal war in Libya -- Glenn Greenwald, Salon
Good Riddance to the War Powers Act -- John R. Guardiano, American Spectator
Death of the War Powers Act? -- Bruce Ackerman and Oona Hathaway, Washington Post

My Comment: A debate is needed for two reasons .... (1) It is the law, and (2) because if the situation on the ground in Libya is any indication, this war has all the signs of going on for quite a while.

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