Thursday, May 26, 2011

Paycuts For Returning British Paratroopers From Afghanistan

British forces in Afghanistan. Reuters

Paratroopers Hit By Pay Cut On Return From Afghanistan -- The Telegraph

Thousands of paratroopers who have just returned from Afghanistan face a pay cut of as much as 10 per cent as the Ministry of Defence attempts to save more money.

Army chiefs have decided to end a supplement paid to each member of the regiment for parachuting. It is worth more than £2,000 a year.

The MoD is struggling with an estimated £1 billion shortfall in its budget for the current financial year. Cutting the so-called Para Pay bonus will save more than £4 million a year. But it will be a significant blow to up to 4,000 soldiers just back from a gruelling tour of Helmand, many of whom take home little more than £1,000 a month.

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My Comment: I guess the Brits have decided that a minimum wage military is the way to go for them.

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