Thursday, May 26, 2011

No Support IN Congress For U.S. Troops On The Ground In Libya

Photo: U.S. President Barack Obama addresses the nation on the situation in Libya as to why the U.S involvement is important, during nationwide television address from the National Defense University in Washington, DC on March 28, 2011. UPI/Dennis Brack/Pool

House Votes to Ban Troops for Libya War -- Wall Street Journal

The House on Thursday overwhelmingly voted to prohibit ground troops from being sent to Libya and only narrowly defeated a measure to force President Barack Obama to lay out plans to end the Afghanistan war, in moves that show the limits of congressional support for military involvement in overseas conflicts.

The U.S. military's actions on three fronts—Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq—are wearing on the public, polls show, and lawmakers are leery of additional open-ended military commitments amid a severe budget crunch.

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More News On The U.S. Congress Voting To Ban Troops For Libya War

Lawmakers bar US ground troops from Libya
-- AFP
House Votes On Libya Indicate Little Support for Intervention -- ABC
House bars ground troops in Libya -- UPI
House Votes To Ban US Ground Troops in Libya -- Nasdaq

My Comment: A 416-5 U.S. House vote to bar the Obama administration from placing ground troops in Libya tells me that there is little if any enthusiasm in Washington for a more direct involvement in Libya's civil war. As to what is my opinion on the vote .... I would like to know who are the five idiots who voted against this resolution.

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