Friday, May 20, 2011

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 20, 2011


Bin Laden Mission Signals The End For The Predator Drone -- Small Wars Journal

Today’s Washington Post discussed how the CIA used a stealthy drone – the RQ-170 Sentinel – to collect overhead imagery and signals intelligence on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The RQ-170 was dubbed “the Beast of Kandahar” after it was spotted at the nearby military airbase as early as 2007, according to Aviation Week & Space Technology. Intelligence preparation for the bin Laden raid demonstrated the requirement for a persistent overhead reconnaissance platform that also had to be stealthy. This requirement for the bin Laden mission foreshadows a rapid change in required drone capabilities, which implies a need to change the government’s current drone investment plans. After just coming into their own, the Pentagon and CIA should consider ending purchases of the non-stealthy Predator, Reaper, and Global Hawk drones and redirecting those funds to their stealthy drone successors.and Global Hawk drones and redirecting those funds to their stealthy drone successors.

Read more ....


Troop morale in Afghanistan plummets, report says
-- Seattle PI/AP

Global Defense Budget Reaches US$1.1 Trillion Due to Demand for National Security Priorities -- ASD News

Canceled Vehicle Programs Cost U.K. $520 million -- Defense News

Russian president punishes domestic weapons makers for failing to fulfill state weapons orders -- Washington Post

Whistleblower says Russian troops fed dog food -- Reuters

Bahrain wants to expand military bases -- Yahoo News/Reuters

Brazil’s purchase of 36 fighter jets will be made in 2012 says Rousseff -- Merco Press

North Korean Missile Reach Will Extend to U.S.: Senior Intel Official
-- Global Security Newswire

China aids N. Korea, Iran with nuke advances -- Washington Times

China Raises A Silicon Army -- Strategy Page

China successfully develops new-generation air-to-air missile
-- People's Daily Online

Taiwan spy case: General Lo Hsien-che 'had China links' -- BBC

Attack pirate bosses on land, Chinese general says
-- DAWN/Reuters

Japan may drop F-35 from shortlist of next mainstay fighter -Kyodo
-- Reuters

Military Sticker Shock (The F-35) -- AJC

DoD: Operating Costs Biggest Threat to F-35 -- Defense News

F-35: Dodging One Bullet, Taking Another. -- Ares/Aviation Week

Pentagon official, lawmakers says estimated costs of jet fighter unsustainable
-- Washington Post

F-22 Upgrade Taking Too Much Time, Money -- Defense News

Gates: We must think before we cut -- DoD Buzz

U.S. Nuclear Agency Releases New Strategic Plan for Next Decade -- Global Security Newswire

The cost-effective delivery of an armoured vehicle capability -- Defpro

U.S. bases in Japan likely to be spared summer blackouts -- Stars and Stripes

Admiral says US would consider sending military personnel to study in China if ties improve
-- Washington Post

Eye Spy: Monocle Gives Commandos Drone Vision
-- Danger Room

Smile! Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click -- The Danger Room

Navy officers get more time to decide whether to retire -- Stars and Stripes

Women on war front more likely to get post-traumatic stress disorder than men, study finds -- L.A. Times

SEAL Team Six: Pentagon ramps up war of words over White House leaks -- Christian Science Monitor

The Badass Gear the Dog on the Bin Laden Raid Wore -- Defense Tech

Gossip and RUMINT at the Pentagon
-- Wall Street Journal

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