Thursday, May 26, 2011

Congress 12 Votes Short On Calling For A U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan

The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs but a growing number of both Republican and Democratic lawmakers are urging their colleagues not to take decisions that may hurt US interests. — File Photo

Afghanistan Withdrawal Measure Falls Just 12 Votes Short Of Passage In Congress -- Huffington Post

WASHINGTON -- In its first votes on the war in Afghanistan since the killing of Osama bin Laden, Congress sent a strong message to President Obama that its patience for the conflict is wearing thin.

A measure requiring the President to present a plan "with a timeframe and completion date" for the transfer of military operations to Afghan authorities failed 204-215. It would also have mandated a plan for "negotiations leading to a political solution and reconciliation in Afghanistan" and a new National Intelligence Estimate on al Qaeda.

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More News On Congress Almost Voting For A U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan

House Narrowly Defeats Afghanistan Timetable Amendment -- FOX News
House Democrats clamor for U.S. to speed withdrawal from Afghanistan -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
US lawmakers push to get US out of Afghanistan -- DAWN
Vote to Accelerate Withdrawal From Afghanistan Gets 204 Votes in the House -- FDL
McGovern leads effort to pass measure for faster Afghanistan withdrawal --
Bipartisan House sends Obama message on Afghanistan -- USA Today

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