Friday, May 27, 2011

CIA Forensics Team Enters Bin Laden's Compound

Intel: A CIA team will search bin Laden's Pakistani compound for hidden documents.

Al Qaeda Is As Dangerous As Ever, Claims Former CIA Director As Pakistan Allows Forensics Team In To Examine Bin Laden Compound -- The Daily Mail

The West is losing the war against Al Qaeda despite the recent killing of Osama bin Laden, a former high-ranking CIA officer has warned.

Former CIA chief Michael Scheuer, who led a team dedicated to hunting down bin Laden during the 1990s, claimed the West simply does not understand the conflict.

He said that although the killing of the Al Qaeda founder was 'very important' the organisation was as strong as ever and is far more connected than many believe.

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More News On Pakistan And CIA Reaching An Agreement For A Forensics Team To Examine Bin Laden's Compound

CIA forensic team visits Bin Laden’s compound -- Channel 6 News
U.S. Gains Entry To bin Laden's Pakistan House -- Wall Street Journal
CIA to search bin Laden compound -- Washington Post
Report: CIA to examine bin Laden compound -- USA Today
CIA to search bin Laden compound -- MSNBC

My Comment: I strongly suspect that Bin Laden's compound has already been stripped bare .... but if they can find something .... I say good luck to them.

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