Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Britain's Take On The West's Involvement In Syria's Civil War

Violence: Peter Hitchens says that arming the rebels against forces loyal to President Assad (pictured) is a recipe for starting a major war

We Set Syria Ablaze... Now We're Hurling In Explosives -- Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail

Imagine this: newspapers and broadcasters in China suddenly start to denounce the British Government.

They call it a ‘regime’. They say that its treatment of its Muslim minority is cruel and unjust.

Soon, their views are echoed by the Chinese foreign minister, who in a speech at the United Nations says that Britain’s treatment of its minorities is a disgrace, and calls for sanctions against this country.

The Chinese ambassador turns up as an ‘observer’ at an Islamist demonstration in Birmingham.

Some protesters are injured. Carefully-edited footage of the occasion is shown on global TV stations, in which the police are made to look brutal and the provocations against them are not shown.

Read more ....

My Comment: I disagree with Peter Hitchens' analysis that we set Syria ablaze .... Syria was already ablaze, where we are at fault is that we have not helped the situation .... and neither has anyone else (i.e. Russia, Syria, Iran, etc.). But I do agree with Peter Hitchens' position that we should not arm the rebels .... our history for doing such things has proven to be dismal in the past decade, and I do not have any confidence that we have learned from our mistakes.

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