Monday, January 7, 2013

The Nomination Of John Brennan For CIA Director -- News Updates

The Answer Man: A Washington Power-Read On John Brennan. -- Foreign Policy

Unlike Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel, a known Washington commodity, White House counterterrorism advisor John O. Brennan, the new nominee to lead the CIA, is a less familiar figure. But as one of President Barack Obama's closest advisers, Brennan has unsurprisingly featured as an important role-player in many of the insider accounts written about the administration's national security policies. The portrait that emerges from the books on Obama's first term is one of a man intensely loyal to the president whose trust he enjoys, sometimes to the point of alienating his colleagues. Among the insights gleaned, the former Riyadh CIA station chief and fluent Arabic speaker is clearly one of the most knowledgeable and well-connected senior U.S. officials when it comes to the Middle East, but he has a habit of sometimes speaking publicly without all the facts. And he has also taken on the seemingly contradictory roles as one of the most outspoken champions of the U.S. drone program while pushing within the administration to limit the use of American force. Here's a look at what we know about Brennan so far, culled from seven of the best recent books on U.S. foreign policy:

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More News On The Nomination Of John Brennan For CIA Director

For CIA chief, Obama taps adviser who defended drone strikes -- Reuters
Brennan Chosen for CIA After Role in Bin Laden Operation
-- Bloomberg
CIA nominee John Brennan no stranger to spycraft, politics -- L.A. Times
Sen. Cornyn threatens to block Brennan's nomination as CIA chief
-- The Hill
Obama's CIA nominee to face tough questions about ‘enhanced interrogation’ -- The Hill
Graham seeks delay to confirmation of Brennan until Benghazi questions answered
-- FOX News
Brennan pick revives leaks dispute -- Politico
With John Brennan, Obama doubles down on drone strikes
-- Christian Science Monitor
John Brennan As CIA Chief Would Cement A New Era Of US Counterterrorism -- Michael Kelley and Geoffrey Ingersoll, Business Insider
Choice to Lead C.I.A. Faces a Changed Agency -- New York Times
Obama’s CIA pick chose spycraft over priesthood -- Army Times/AP
You Can Order Hundreds of Drone Strikes and Still Be Called ‘Wet Nurse’ of Terrorism
-- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
If You Thought Obama’s Drone Godfather Was Powerful, Wait ‘Til He’s at the CIA -- Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman, Danger Room

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