Monday, January 7, 2013

The Nomination Of Chuck Hagel For U.S. Secretary Of Defense -- News Updates

Tough Fight Awaits Hagel For Defense Secretary Post -- Defense News

U.S. President Barack Obama nominated former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel to serve as defense secretary and counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to head the CIA, two key administration national security posts.

Obama called Hagel the “leader that our troops deserve,” during an early afternoon Jan. 7 speech at the White House.

A former Army sergeant who fought in the Vietnam War, Hagel would be the first enlisted veteran to lead the military if confirmed.

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Previous Post: President Obama To Nominate Chuck Hagel For U.S. Defense Secretary -- A News Roundup
Previous Post: Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On The Appointment Of Chuck Hagel As U.S. Defense Secretary

More News On The Nomination of Chuck Hagel As U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Obama nominates Hagel for SecDef, finally -- DoD Buzz
Analysis: As Pentagon chief, Hagel likely to favor sizable Afghan drawdown -- Reuters
Hagel Nomination Complicates Sequester Deal: Fierce Fights Ahead
-- Aol Defense
Hagel Fights Back at Critics as Obama Picks His New Team -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Chuck Hagel nomination creates rare partisan fight over Pentagon post -- Washington Post
Hagel draws fire as Obama's Pentagon pick -- AFP
Chuck Hagel: why Obama is using political capital on Pentagon pick -- Christian Science Monitor
Newsmaker: Republican maverick Hagel forged bond with Obama over Iraq -- Reuters
Who Is Chuck Hagel? Obama's Nominee for Secretary of Defense -- ABC News
Pro-Israel Lobby AIPAC Sitting Out Hagel Fight -- Daily Beast
Horse-racing gambler funding pro-Hagel campaign -- The Cable
Hagel nomination unnerves some in Israel -- AP
Hagel says critics have ‘completely distorted’ his record on Israel and Iran -- The Hill
Four Things That Could Derail The Nomination Of Chuck Hagel As Defense Secretary -- Business Insider
The tarring of Chuck Hagel -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Let's Be Honest: Chuck Hagel Will Be The Next Secretary Of Defense -- Geoffrey Ingersoll and Michael Kelley, Business Insider

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