Thursday, November 8, 2012

Here Comes Sequestration For The U.S. Military

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the Defense Strategic Review at the Pentagon in Washington on Jan. 5, 2012. Reuters

Sequestration Hangs Over Election Results -- DoD Buzz

Despite the $6 billion spent on this year’s election, not much changed. President Obama stayed in office. The House remained in Republican control and the Democrats retained the Senate.

And one deadline remained in place. Congress has until Jan. 2 to reach a deficit reduction agreement to avoid massive sequestration cuts that spread across the entire federal government to include a 10 percent cut of the Pentagon’s budget.

With 55 days left before the deadline, very few defense or budget analysts expect Congress and the president to reach the wide ranging deal needed to lift sequestration. Most expect Congress to either delay sequestration cuts, or allow sequestration to occur and then negotiate an agreement to lessen the cuts laid out in the Budget Control Act.

Read more ....

Update: Defense Cuts Complicate Obama's Second Term --

My Comment:
The only time that President Obama was successful in passing serious legislation through Congress was when he had a Democrat super-majority in the US Senate, and a significant Democrat majority in the House (i.e. the first two years of his Presidency). But now .... with the House in firm Republican hands .... his weakness as a negotiator is starting to show. My prediction .... sequestration should have been solved months ago .... but we are now in the situation where the Democrats will not compromise hoping that the Republicans will cave-in on tax increases .... a possibility that I am giving a 50-50 chance of happening. If the Republicans do not cave-in, sequestration will happen and in January there will be a scramble to delay the impact of these budget cuts .... it is at this time that I expect the Republican leadership to cave-in, giving the Democrats and President Obama another legislative victory. As for the U.S. economy and the U.S. taxpayer .... as I have been saying for the past few months .... get ready to be hit hard.

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