Thursday, November 8, 2012

Can The West Oust Syria’s Strongman?

The Anti-Assad Offensive: Can the West Oust Syria’s Strongman? -- Vivienne Walt, Time

Scarcely hours after his reelection, President Obama was under pressure from U.S. allies to take stronger action on Syria. Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron told reporters Wednesday, during a visit to a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan, that “one of the first things I want to talk to Barack about is how we must do more to try and solve this crisis.” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius added to the clamor, Thursday, telling reporters he planned to call for more urgency from Washington on Syria at a planned meeting later in the day with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, promising that the message would be reinforced by “swift and necessary” talks between President François Hollande and Obama. On Syria, said Fabius, “The Americans have recently been in the background a little.”

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My Comment: If the Syrian opposition can unite into an organized political and military force .... followed by this .... there is then a good chance that Assad will be ousted. But what happens after the revolution is another story .... and I predict that it will probably not be "pretty".

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