Thursday, October 18, 2012

Will Islamic Extremists Conquer Syria?


Syria Policy Risks Trading A Tyrant For Extremists -- Marco Rubio, Special To CNN

(CNN) -- For almost two years, the Syrian people have tried to free themselves of Bashar al-Assad's cruel iron fist. They have looked repeatedly to America for help. But the Obama administration has failed to robustly support the Syrian rebel movement. Instead, the administration hid behind an unsuccessful United Nations peace process. As the conflict in Syria continued, enabling al-Assad and his forces to murder thousands of civilians, Iran and Hezbollah made matters worse by sending soldiers and weapons into Syria to prop up al-Assad. And now, jihadists are entering the country each day.

Read more ....

My Comment: US Senator Marco Rubio is right .... our words at the beginning of this year did raise Syrian rebel hopes that the U.S. may become involved in their civil war in the same manner as we were in Libya's .... but our failure to act has dashed these hopes and .... unfortunately .... replaced them with the Syrian rebel movement going elsewhere for support. What we (maybe) should have done is shut-up .... but even then I sincerely doubt that the U.S. could have played a different role than what we are playing right now. The Middle East is in terrible shape, and it is now being wrecked by extremism, authoritarianism, sectarianism, and tribalism. It will take years before this all burns itself out .... and our direct involvement could produce a situation that would make both the Iraq and Afghan wars puny in comparison. A prospect that I am sure that no one in the U.S. wants.

Update: More signs that the Syrian rebels are now going there own way.

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