Saturday, August 11, 2012

Is America's Syrian Policy About To Change?

U.S. Syria Policy In Shambles A Year After Obama Told Assad To Step Down -- McClatchy News

WASHINGTON — On Aug. 18 last year, President Barack Obama issued a statement that for the first time demanded that Syrian leader Bashar Assad step aside. Similarly worded statements came from Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the European Union that same day.

Nearly a year and thousands of dead later, U.S. policy on Syria’s crisis remains an enigma.

American officials refuse to acknowledge openly that they support the rebels, but they provide the fighters with nonlethal aid and look the other way as U.S. allies in the Persian Gulf send them weapons and ammunition.

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My Comment: They have been behind the curve on this one .... but if this report is true, a major change in U.S. policy on the Syrian civil war is about to happen.

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