Thursday, May 10, 2012

More Details On Al Qaeda Plans To Develop Designer Bombs

Al Qaeda Bombmaker Designs Bombs to Hide in Cameras, Hard Drives and Pets -- ABC News

At the age of only 30, the al Qaeda bombmaker behind the foiled plot on U.S-bound planes has emerged as the most feared face of terror for American authorities, a master technician with a fierce hatred for America and ingenious plans for hiding hard-to-detect bombs inside cameras, computers and even household pets.

Again and again, Ibrahim al-Asiri has created bombs that get past security screening -- the underwear bomb targeting a Detroit-bound jet in 2009, bombs hidden in printer cartridges set to explode over Chicago, even a bomb hidden in the body of a younger brother who was sent on a suicide mission against a Saudi official.

A Saudi citizen who studied chemistry in college, al-Asiri's parents say he became radicalized after the death of a brother.

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Update: Al Qaeda bomb master hides devices in pets and personal electronics, US officials say -- FOX News

My Comment: His bombs are becoming more sophisticated and dangerous .... and we have been extremely lucky that he has not been successful in a major strike against western targets.

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