Monday, October 10, 2011

The Age Of Drone Wars

(Credit: GlobalPost)

The Emerging Age Of Drone Wars -- CBS/Global Post

GlobalPost looks at the rise of the drones, which the U.S. has used increasingly over the last few years against terrorist targets. Remotely operated, armed drones have been responsible for the elimination of many of the most wanted terrorists in Afghanistan, Yemen and Pakistan. However, questions of legality, civilian deaths and the development of lethal drones in China and other countries is creating controversy around the "Drone War." This article was written by Peter Gelling.

The Drone Wars are the new black.

The once covert, highly-secretive and little talked about strategy of using unmanned aerial vehicles to target suspected terrorists in Pakistan and elsewhere has gone mainstream. And now everyone is talking about it.

Even Leon Panetta, the former C.I.A. director, whose old agency doesn't officially admit that its drone program exists, is talking about it. Twice in a matter of hours last week he joked about the C.I.A.'s pension for deploying the ominously-named Predator drones.

"Obviously I have a hell of a lot more weapons available to me here than I had at the C.I.A.," he said, referring to his new post as secretary of defense. "Although the Predators aren't bad."

Read more ....

My Comment: This post from CBS is from an in-depth series on the drone wars from the Global Post. The link to this Global Post analysis is here.

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